Brion Beller
Spirit's Light Qigong
Qigong Classes
Clinical Qigong Therapy
Ryukyu Kempo & Jujitsu Classes
in Hickory North Carolina

Qigong Classes
High Level Qigong Classes and Clinical Qigong Therapy in Hickory, NC, (Energy Healing) utilizing the Stillness-Movement System with Clinical techniques used in Baoding Chinese Qigong Hospital. The class will be low impact, highly Energetic, and have some stretching, last 1 and 1/2 hours. New students are always welcome – I mold the class to my students abilities plus there is an online learning platform with streaming videos available to assist in your learning.
Clinical Qigong Therapy
Certified Qigong Master Instructor and Advanced Clinical Qigong Therapy – specializing in pain relief all High Level Energy Healing.

Front and center – Brion Beller, 8th Dan Ryukyu Kempo. Back row – left to right – Will Higginbotham, 10th Dan Ryukyu Kempo; Professor Wally Jay, 10th Dan Small Circle Jujitsu ™, Professor George Dillman, 10th Dan Ryukyu Kempo, Professor Remy Presas, 10th Dan Modern Arnis.
Ryukyu Kempo & Jujitsu
Ryukyu Kempo in Hickory by 8th Dan Grandmaster with over 40 years experience specializing in 2 second knockouts the ultimate self-defense.